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 KP Illest on the streets with Paratus Namibia.

THE CHALLENGE Paratus, in collaboration with Ogilvy, embarked on a mission to spread the word across Namibia: Paratus Internet has expanded its reach to the vibrant north!   KP on the streets not only brought laughter but, more importantly, heightened consumer awareness about Paratus' nationwide coverage roll-out, both on the ground and online.  This was supported by a B2B campaign targeted to the northern market in the vernacular. This included a Google Display ads campaign aimed at driving awareness amongst B2B individuals in the North about the Paratus offering and encouraging them to visit the website to learn more. THE SOLUTION Have you heard? Have you seen? Paratus has taken it to the streets and here is what the public had to say.  Join Paratus and Kp Illest as we challenge the public. #paratusnamibia #alwaysprepared #paratusonthestreets THE RESULTS The impact of the video's format led to the creation of a long-term series for the Paratus brand. This strategic initiative aimed to enhance awareness among the Namibian public about crucial events while bolstering both offline and online visibility. The series served as an engaging platform to keep the public informed and connected with the brand over time.   KP video (Organic Results) 77.3K views 468 post likes 30 comments   Northern Awareness digital campaign 4 months with targeting regions in the north where Paratus is active. 5 million impressions 19, 992 link clicks

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